Keeping Your Smile Cavity-Free

Little-Known Facts About Metal-Free Dentistry

Little-Known Facts About Metal-Free Dentistry

Jun 2, 20162 min read

Everybody knows the importance of having white teeth and healthy smiles. Unfortunately, that doesn’t mean everybody takes proper care of their teeth. Only about half […]

UGH How Did ‘Dental Bling’ Become a Thing in 2016?

UGH How Did ‘Dental Bling’ Become a Thing in 2016?

May 12, 20163 min read

New Jersey’s MY9NJ news program “Chasing News” has unearthed a new Millennial trend we really wish they hadn’t. Have young people decided to invest in […]

Important Tips for Keeping Your Mouth Healthy, and Gum Disease at Bay

Important Tips for Keeping Your Mouth Healthy, and Gum Disease at Bay

Mar 30, 20162 min read

Did you know that about half of American adults — nearly 65 million people — have some form of periodontitis (mild, moderate, or severe)? If […]

Nanoparticles May be the Future of Dentistry One Day

Nanoparticles May be the Future of Dentistry One Day

Mar 15, 20162 min read

It?s what every kid dreams of: an end to dentist office visits! Dentistry is continually moving forward, and according to dental researchers, cleaning with nanoparticles […]

Adult Braces Welcome to the Modern Mouth

Adult Braces Welcome to the Modern Mouth

Feb 10, 20142 min read

Right now, there are over four million Americans undergoing orthodontic treatment. In fact, the number of adults with braces has gone up almost 25% in […]

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