How to Develop Good Oral Routine In Your Child

Pediatric dentist

Most adults do not visit the dentist as frequently as they should. Many of these adults were not encouraged to visit the dentist regularly as children, and have likely developed a sense of fear of the dentist. This is why it is very important to make a child as comfortable as possible with a dentist, as early as possible. If a child is routinely brought to visit the dentist, they will come to accept it as a necessary process in their lives. They will also find that they have less dental problems as they get older, and they will continue to practice lifelong dental health. Finding the right pediatric dentist is important in establishing that trust and confidence of the child and the dental office.

Children currently do not see the dentist enough. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that nearly 1 out of every 5 U.S. children has untreated cavities. The rate is 19.5% for kids between ages 2 and 5 and 22.9% in youngsters between 6 and 19. These cavities, if left untreated can lead to more serious dental problems for the child. Additionally, many of these cavities are a result of poor dental care. Finding the right pediatric dentist for your child will help them to learn the best methods of brushing and flossing. Then dentist will work with the child on proper tooth brushing habits and will even teach them about flossing importance and the best way to do it.

Not only can poor dental care lead to cavities and other dental problems within children, it can also affect their education. The Center for Health and Health Care in Schools says that dental problems have a big effect on the American school day. Students lose more than 51 million school hours every year because of illnesses related to dental problems. Many of these dental problems and pain can be prevented with finding the right pediatric dentist for your child. Good dental practices will allow the child to miss less school days and experience less dental problems throughout their life.

The cost of a dentist may be the main reason that many parents put off dental visits for their children. However, many dental offices will accept payment plans and low cost dental insurance can make dental visits much more affordable. A part of finding the right pediatric dentist for your children also includes one that is affordable and one that will work with different financial situations. Additionally, it is important to keep in mind the costs that will be saved over the long run with routine dental visits and checkups.

Poor dental health can also affect a child?s self confidence. When a child has bad dental health, it usually shows in their teeth. They may feel embarrassed or afraid to smile or chat with others at school. They may be made fun of, because of crooked or misplaced teeth. Many of these dental problems can be fixed with routine dental visits. Braces and other teeth straightening options can be discuss to provide your child with a beautiful smile that they are proud of, even into their adult years. The embarrassment of bad teeth and a bad smile can even affect the child later in life, affecting their relationship and job searches because of a lack of confidence.

Many Americans forgo the dentist because of pain, cost and simply because they never have made it a priority. However, poor dental care can lead to other health problems and missed school and work days, especially in young children. It is important for a parent to encourage their child early on to visit a dentist, in order to make it a habit in their life. They will be rewarded with good oral care and a smile that they are confident and happy with.

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