It’s hard to feel like your life is truly yours when you have a chronic sleep disorder.
Do you ever wish you could get ‘just one more hour’? Is it hard for you to concentrate on work or even your most beloved hobbies? Sleep disorders are a unique issue for their ability to worm their way into every daily function, stripping your life to pieces right in front of you and making you feel terrible no matter how well your day goes. Rather than wishing and hoping your condition will resolve itself on its own, reach out to a sleep disorder professional and see what options are available to you.
The Different Types Of Sleeping Disorders
A sleep disorder can take on many different forms. Which one you’re struggling with will better determine your treatment and eventual recovery. Sleep apnea is a condition best defined by ‘apneas’, or interruptions, that get in the way of restful sleep. Insomnia is better known for making people struggle to either fall asleep or stay asleep. Lastly, TMJ (a jaw and muscle disorder that causes grinding and clenching) affects over 35 million people in the country.
The Prevalence Of TMJ And Sleep Apnea
Do you find yourself clenching, grinding or twisting your jaw at night? It’s possible you have TMJ. Over 90% of people affected by minor to major TMJ are women and it’s estimated 15% of American adults are living with chronic facial pain as we know it. Sleep apnea affects over 18 million Americans, to boot, and can invite a host of additional problems if not treated. A study revealed untreated sleep apnea sufferers are three times more likely to develop heart disease earlier than those without the condition.
The Cause Of A Sleeping Disorder
What causes sleeping disorders in so many people? Just like no one person has the exact same issue, so too are there many causes. Stress is perhaps the most widespread factor for TMJ, insomnia and sleep apnea. Also known as the ‘silent killer’, unchecked stress can lead to teeth grinding, tossing and turning, fatigue, tension and concentration issues. Jaw pain and migraines are also a regular contributor to consistent, restful sleep. Over 37 million people deal with migraines on a regular or semi-regular basis in the United States.
Common Methods Of Treatment
The more widespread an issue is, the more resources you will have access to when it comes to treatment. Dental implants are commonly associated with visual improvements, but they can also be used to treat sleeping disorders. A study provided by the Journal Of Dental Research reached out to multiple sufferers of TMD (similar to TMJ) and found over 70% also struggled with sleep apnea symptoms. Chronic jaw pain treatment can be done through the use of a dental implant or a mouth guard.
Living Without A Sleeping Disorder
Imagine how much better you’ll feel when you don’t have to manage a sleep disorder on top of your studies, full-time job and family obligations. Regular sleep has been proven to lower not just your stress levels, but lower your risk of developing heart disease, heart failure and any number of debilitating conditions. You’ll get sick less, have more energy and sustain a higher quality of life overall. A dental implant may be a great option if you’re struggling with TMJ. These have a consistently reported success rate of 98% and can do the dual work of improving your smile.
There is no one size fits all, however. A family dentist or sleep professional can better figure out what you need and make sure you don’t have a care in the world next time you lay your head down.