Conquer Your Odontophobia

Best dentist oakmont pa

I found myself googling “cosmetic dentist Oakmont PA” around about a month ago because I was in desperate need of cosmetic dentistry. I was searching for things like “cosmetic dentist Oakmont PA” and “dental implants Oakmont PA” and “invisalign oakmont pa ” and “porcelain veneers Oakmont PA,” because, in short, I needed the “best dentist oakmont pa.”

It was definitely an odd thing, to find myself googling “cosmetic dentist oakmont pa” and here is why.

See, I was waiting at the bus stop with my usual sullen expression when a nice guy came up and told me I should smile more. I shrugged off, but he was oddly persistent. I explained that my teeth were really messed up and I often like to hide them. He nodded and replied and that he understood and that he used to be the same way.

But he had a full set of healthy teeth, which his big, bright smile revealed. I honestly thought he was lying but he explained that he had a veneer put on his teeth. These generally last between five and ten years, and are pretty expensive, costing between 500 dollars to 1,300 dollars per tooth. But he explained that he could not put a cost on confidence. He visited an AACD member dentist and asked the doctor if he should get the veneers or not, which is apparently the first correct step to make.

I was fairly shocked by the price and by the even bigger statistic that Americans spend approximately 1.4 billion dollars on products and procedures to whiten their teeth each and every year.

The man gave me the card of his doctor, the one who referred him to the veneers. I hemmed and hawed about calling and when I finally did, the doctor eased my fears and explained that I had Odontophobia, which is a fear of the dentist. He eased my suspicions and gave me heart, which is how I found myself on the internet googling for “cosmetic dentist oakmont pa.”

Does anyone else have a similar experience to my googline “cosmetic dentist oakmont pa” or no? Please share your stories, whether you have found yourself searching happily for something like “cosmetic dentist oakmont pa” or not. You can comment in the area below.

19 Replies to “Conquer Your Odontophobia”

  1. You must have a good job to have dental insurance. There is no way that mine covers that.

  2. You must have a good job to have dental insurance. There is no way that mine covers that.

  3. You must have a good job to have dental insurance. There is no way that mine covers that.

  4. You must have a good job to have dental insurance. There is no way that mine covers that.

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