How to Navigate Your Medical Conditions During Coronavirus

Amidst the coronavirus pandemic, it’s easy to forget that there are a myriad of health issues out there that don’t pertain to COVID-19 at all. Though life may feel as if it’s been put on pause, it’s important to follow through with these health related appointments. Continue reading for more information on how to manage your doctor visits and avoid getting coronavirus.

General Guidelines for Meeting With a Physician

First, make sure their office is open. Check their hours if they are and see if you can schedule online as to not overwhelm the clinic by going in person. Then, consider whether or not this is an emergency. If you feel as if you’re life may be in danger, do not hesitate.

Once you have scheduled a consultation, ask about what kind of precautions you must take upon arriving at the clinic. The clinic may have you wait in your car, or wear a mask when speaking to your doctor.

They may also take your temperature, or ask you if you have been feeling any flu-like symptoms.

Can Plastic Surgery Wait?

Given that some plastic surgery procedures lean more towards improving a patient’s life cosmetically, plastic surgery can wait until the spread of the disease has slowed down. However, everyone’s case is unique, so make sure to speak to your healthcare provider to discuss your best option while also trying to avoid getting coronavirus.

More necessary procedures and treatments can include:

Visiting Your OBGYN During the Pandemic

You should continue to meet up with your ob/gyn, even throughout the pandemic. Your sexual health should not be on the back burner. Visiting your doctor is especially important if you’re pregnant or considering having a baby.


Unless you have an urgent issue, it would be wise to cancel your appointment. Watch out for these symptoms to be on the safe side.

  • severe vaginal bleeding
  • pain in the pelvis or lower back
  • signs of an ectopic pregnancy
  • issues with a previous surgery

If you have noticed these symptoms, call your doctor right away to set aside an appointment to get checked out.

Getting Birth Control

Here’s how you can get your hands on birth control and avoid getting coronavirus — opt for getting it through an online service for now as you do not need to be examined to get your prescription. You can also chat with your doctor if you have any issues concerning

  • emergency contraception
  • symptoms of menopause
  • issues with your pregnancy

Procedures like surgery and mammograms will have to be postponed until further notice.

Testing for STDs

Testing for STDs is another popular treatment you can get through your OB/GYN’s office. This is another treatment you can order online to avoid the trip!

When Should I See a Doctor About Avoiding Coronavirus

Don’t ignore these key signs if you’re trying to avoid getting coronavirus!

Remain vigilant when it comes to your wellbeing and make sure you’re not suffering with these symptoms.

  • shortness of breath
  • loss of taste and smell
  • body aches
  • headache
  • fatigue
  • sore throat
  • diarrhea

If you’re feeling under the weather, refrain from leaving your home to help flatten the curve and call your health care provider immediately. Additionally, call off from work if you’re not already working from home.

Visiting Your Dentist

You can avoid getting coronavirus and maintain a healthy smile by brushing regularly at home. Nothing in your routine should change. Brush twice, and floss in between meals. If you notice your teeth and gums feel sensitive or painful, schedule a visit with your dental health care provider online or through the phone.

However, services like teeth whitening can wait.

Procedures like braces and clear aligners can vary, as they can improve the individual’s quality of life.

You won’t be able to wear a mask throughout your session for obvious reasons. Come prepared to cooperate and arrive early to sign paperwork and to get your temperature checked.

Additionally, check to see if the offices in your area are conducting teeth cleaning services if you have an appointment coming up. Teeth cleaning may not seem like an emergency, but it can help fight off plaque and gum disease, so it shouldn’t be overlooked!

What About Your Mental Health?

Your mental health should not be ignored. Many people believe that general dentistry services are more important than your mental wellbeing. However, the mind and body should both be given the same amount of attention. Therefore, if you feel like you need to talk to someone, consider connecting with a therapist online.

If you go the telemedicine route, your physician can also prescribe medicine you can easily pick up at your local pharmacy.

Should You Get Your Eyes Checked?

Getting your eyes checked is crucial if you’re working from home. The pandemic has caused many people to start working from home on their computers. Spending a lot of time online can lead to eyestrain, which will worsen if you don’t have the proper corrective lenses. Not to mention, straining your eyes can also lead to migraines. In this case, it is perfectly acceptable to visit your optometrist. Ensure you’re following all of their COVID protocols. Bring your own pen to sign the paperwork and use plenty of hand sanitizer when walking around the office.

Since the doctor will be focused on your eyes, you can keep your mask on the entire time, which is great news if you want to avoid getting coronavirus!

Getting Your Alignment and Seeing Your Chiropractor

Visiting your chiropractor is another area of concern. Is it worth scheduling a meeting if you want to avoid getting coronavirus?

According to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, chiropractors are essential workers. Most of their offices should be open throughout the pandemic. After all, many people rely on getting their spine aligned to feel like their best selves.

Therefore, take the necessary precautions listed above when going to see your doctor.

Can You See Your Dermatologist During COVID?

Most of your needs relating to dermatology can be met with an online consultation. However, if it’s more severe than a few pimples of a dry patch of skin, you’ll need to schedule an in-person consultation.

For example, schedule a visit if you notice:

  • bumps that are too buried into the skin to see on a video chat
  • an extreme eczema flair-up
  • infected areas of skin that can include boils and cysts
  • signs of skin cancer like moles
  • severe skin rashes on the face and other areas of the body

Keeping Up With Your Health — on Your Own Time

Visiting a doctor during the pandemic can feel stressful. However, there are a few ways you can lower your risk of getting sick. To keep up with your health on your own, implement these tips for healthy living.

Stay Active

Thankfully, you can keep up with social distance regulations while remaining active. Go fo a walk around your block to stretch your legs out, and try to avoid the gyms in your area if you can. Bring a mask with you, in case you need to stop by the store while out in public.

Eat Healthy Meals

Your diet can play a large role in many medical conditions. It can affect your weight, your skin, your energy levels, and your gut health. If you’re quarantining, it can feel tempting to eat quick and easy junk food. However, homecooked meals are much better for you and can help you feel better when trying to avoid getting coronavirus. Place emphasis on eating whole foods like fruits, veggies, and grains.

Learn More About Your Body

However, don’t completely ignore key signs if you feel your health is in jeopardy. For instance, if you feel shooting pain near your gums, you may need a root canal!

While you should be cautious about leaving the home, learn to identify what a medical emergency is.

Ask yourself if you have felt this pain before. Then, contemplate your family’s medical history. Have they had experience with this symptom you’re experiencing? If so, this can be a serious matter and you should seek help, even with during the pandemic.

Get Enough Sleep

Aside from understanding when you must visit an urgent care clinic, ensure you’re getting proper rest each night. Don’t oversleep, as this may cause a myriad of other health related issues. It may also be a sign of severe weight gain, anxiety, or depression.

On the flipside, if you find yourself tossing and turning, worried about how you can avoid getting coronavirus, you can make yourself sick too! Not getting enough sleep can cause your body to shut down. It needs somewhere between six and eight hours a night. The body repairs itself during these crucial hours, so make sure you’re taking care of yourself in this regard.

Brush Your Teeth Often and Limit Sweets

If you’re not in the position to schedule a teeth cleaning, ensure you’re brushing and flossing properly instead. Furthermore, since eating an excess of sweets can cause severe cavities, consider cutting out candy and pastries. If you wish to avoid getting coronavirus, staying home is key. Therefore, take your own health by the reigns and be cautious.

Keep an Eye on the Number of Cases in Your Area

Where you live is a huge factor in determining how cautious you need to be. Therefore, stay up to date with the news so you can make the most informed decision about your health.

Taking COVID-19 Precautions

However, these are simply general health guidelines you must follow if you wish to feel your best. If you want to avoid getting coronavirus, and limit your time at the doctor’s office, also implement these tips into your everyday life.

  • Wear a mask when running errands around town.
  • Social distance when out in public. Stay six feet away from others in the street or inside of the store.
  • Only leave your home if it’s absolutely necessary.
  • Avoid seeing older family members such as your grandparents.
  • Disinfect packages that get delivered to your home before opening them.
  • Disinfect your groceries before putting them into the pantry or fridge.
  • Wash your hands often for at least 20 seconds.
  • Avoid touching your nose, mouth, and eyes while out in public if you wish to avoid the coronavirus.


Physicians services keep your body healthy and happy — how worse off would we be if we didn’t have brave men and women in the medical field, saving and improving lives? Receiving medical help right now may seem like the last thing on your mind if you aren’t showing symptoms of COVID. However, keep in mind that your health matters, and you should be vigilant about it, especially during these unprecedented times.

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