Ensure Your Children Have Good Oral Health With Regular Pediatric Dental Visits

Pediatric dentist virginia

Once your baby’s first teeth emerge, you can begin to focus on providing them with excellent dental care. This is usually when they are about four months old. At that time, you can use a damp washcloth to clean their teeth. As soon as more of their teeth begin to fully emerge, you can use a small toothbrush. Unless your baby experiences any issues prior to this, you can take them for their first pediatric dental exam when they turn one. After this, they should have regular pediatric dentist visits.

When you visit your child’s dentist, it’s a good time to discuss other important aspects of oral hygiene, such as which kind of tooth paste to use. When your child is less than two, for example, you shouldn’t use fluoride toothpaste unless it is recommended by their pediatrician or dentist.

If your child’s dentist hasn’t recommended fluoride varnish yet, you may want to bring this up the next time you visit their office.This is a high-concentration fluoride coating which is painted on teeth. It has been shown to prevent approximately 33% of the tooth decay that can occur in a child’s primary teeth.

It’s important to focus on your child’s dental habits early on. Part of this is to encourage them by example. If you brush and floss your teeth soon after eating, then they may be more likely to do so as well. Even though may parents may believe that these habits are more important once their adult teeth come in around six, baby teeth are actually placeholders for permanent teeth. When baby teeth sustain damage, such as cavities, this can create problems for them later.

You may also be interested to know about sealants for your child’s permanent molars. Studies have shown that these are able to reduce tooth decay by 81% for up to two years. These sealants may continue to be effective at reducing tooth decay for four years after being placed.

By the time children begin to attend kindergarten, over 40% have untreated cavities. This is why it is so important to stay on top of this situation by taking your child for regular dental visits. As a parent, there’s a possibility that you have had cavities in the past. Given this, you’re also aware of how painful they can be. Were you aware that children in the United States miss a considerable amount of school due to dental-related illnesses? According to the Center for Health and Health Care in Schools, this amounts to 51 million school hours a year.

According to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, 42% of children between two and 11 have primary teeth cavities. Furthermore, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued a report on children’s dental care. This report showed that for children within the two to 19 age bracket, 19% have untreated cavities.

Whether you have a new baby or older children in the home, it’s important to schedule regular dental check-ups. Good oral hygiene plays a role in your child’s overall health. When you take your child to the pediatric dentist on a regular basis, they will be able to determine whether they have any cavities or other issues. Rather than deal with more serious issues later, preventative care makes sense.

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