Did You Know Regular Flossing Can Reduce Your Risk Of Heart Attack?

General dental care

Concerned about dental care? One of the most common fears of the everyday American is whether or not general dental care can deliver on both health and cosmetic fronts. A nice smile can improve your job prospects, bolster your dating scene and even make you feel better about yourself. Likewise, a crooked or yellow mouth can hurt your social opportunities and even create long-term health problems right under your nose.

Are You Brushing Your Teeth?

Dental care doesn’t get much more basic than brushing your teeth on a regular basis. Studies have shown nearly 30% of women brushing their teeth after every meal, compared to only 20% of men doing the same. Over half of all women brush their teeth twice daily, while just under half of men do the same. Brushing is an essential process to dislodge plaque and create a brilliant, gleaming smile.

Are You Flossing?

Flossing needs to be addressed on a more frequent basis. Only 22% of people claim to floss every day, meaning most people regularly put themselves at risk for cavities, gingivitis and even tooth decay. It doesn’t even end at tooth health, either — recent studies have shown regular flossing can even reduce the risk of heart attack by 40%. If you don’t want to struggle through painful cavities or root canals, it’s time to reach for your floss before you go to bed every night.

Are You Smoking?

Smoking is very common in the United States. Unfortunately, that also means all the dental care issues that come with the habit. Yellowing, browning and weak gums are just a few of the side effects that come with regular smoking. According to an AACD survey, virtually all adults surveyed believe a beautiful and healthy smile is a very socially important quality to have.

Are You Whitening Your Teeth?

When brushing and flossing isn’t enough, a cosmetic dentist can pick up the slack and deliver on that charming smile you’ve been searching for. Over 80% of people saw a significant difference after having their teeth whitened by a dentist, with another 30% saying they are ‘very concerned’ about the look of their teeth. A single whitening session can undo years of damage and give you a gleam you’ve never had before. Cosmetic dentistry, as a result, has only grown more popular over the past few decades.

Are You Visiting A Dentist Regularly?

When the average person waits three whole years before visiting their dentist again, it’s time to check your schedule for openings. Clinics and dental offices are available when you need a dentist and can provide you with additional care on top of your good daily habits. Over 70% of Americans have periodontal disease and 80% of teenagers have a cavity as we speak. A dentist can clean your teeth, pinpoint problems before they start and offer you a variety of solutions for a better smile, such as veneers or teeth whitening. Ready to have the smile you’ve always dreamed of? It all starts with basic dental care.

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