3 Reasons to Visit a Dentist for Whiter Teeth

Teeth cleaning

One of the most common problems people have with their teeth is that they aren’t white enough. In fact, a recent survey conducted among people who were unhappy with their teeth found that 64% cited discoloration as the main reason for their unhappiness. Considering that, you’re likely to find yourself tempted by the thought of teeth whitening products that can be used at home. That being said, you’ll want to consider having your teeth professionally whitened by a local dentist. Here are three advantages of having a dentist whiten your teeth versus using over the counter whitening products.

  1. Professional Strength Products

    One of the main reasons to visit a local dentist to whiten your teeth is due to the equipment and materials these professional have access to. Considering that, whitening solutions used by a dental professional are far stronger than anything you will find in stores. In fact, statistics found that 82.5% of patients reported seeing a noticeable difference after having their teeth professionally whitened.
  2. Not Wasting Money on Bad Results

    Many who opt to try and whiten their teeth using over the counter products find that they end up wasting a lot of money. As previously mentioned, over the counter whitening products simply can’t match what a dentist offers. Rather than continuing to spend money on products with no guarantee of any improvement, it’s wise to rest assured by having a dentist treat your teeth. In addition, teeth that don’t respond to whitening treatments can be professionally treated with dental veneers or a similar solution. You won’t have this luxury while whitening your teeth in your home.
  3. Receiving a Beneficial Teeth Cleaning

    If you’re wanting to keep your teeth as healthy as possible, it’s important to receive regular dental exams. These comprehensive exams are often conducted before teeth whitening begins. In turn, a local dentist will be able to find out if there are any other dental issues taking place. You’ll find that having this exam take place often helps to find any dental issues that had previously gone unnoticed or untreated. In turn, fixing these issues in their early stages can help save you both time and money in the future.

In closing, there are major advantages associated with having your teeth whitened by a local dentist rather than attempting this on your own. Statistics show that 74% of adults feel that an unattractive smile can hurt them in their professional endeavors. If you’re afraid to show off your smile to the world, you’re certainly not alone. With that in mind, it’s best to skip the trial and error process that comes with entering the world of home teeth whitening products. If you’re in need of a proven, fast, and professional way to have your teeth whitened, considering making an appointment with a local dentist.

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